A Chair Sitting In Front Of A Table
A Person Sitting At A Table Covered In Snow

Venue Comparison

Venue Size
Room Name Dimensions (ft) Sq (ft) Ceiling Height (ft)
The Crystal Room (Crystal Rooms 1, 2 & 3 can be combined) 1685 8'
The Crystal Room One 32' x 25' 795 8'
The Crystal Room Two 18' x 16' 285 8'
The Crystal Room Three 34' x 16' 605 8'
Director's Board Room 16' x 24' 430 8'
Regal Room + Terrace (Regal Room & Terrace can be combined) 3000 8'
The Regal Room 52' x 27' 1370 8'
The Regal Terrace 88' x 18' 1630 Open Air
The Penthouse 120' x 59' 4650 9'
The Skyline 36' x 21' 755 9'
The Sunset 16' x 27' 455 9'
The Twilight 16' x 21' 345 9'
Venue Capacity
Room Name Banquet Reception Classroom Conference U-Shape
The Crystal Room 100 120 80 80 N/A
The Crystal Room One 48 50 30 36 36
The Crystal Room Two 16 20 12 14 12
The Crystal Room Three 40 50 30 30 30
Director's Board Room 12
The Regal & The Terrace 80 130 60 45 45
The Penthouse 160 300
The Skyline 80 100
The Sunset 40
The Twilight 30